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Cinderella – Pepeljuga
There once was a girl. One day, the girl's mother died.
Bila jednom jedna djevojka. Jednog dana, djevojkina majka je umrla.
Her father got married again. But her new mother and sisters were bad.
Njen otac se oženio ponovo. Ali njena nova majka i sestre su bile loše.
One day her father died.
Jednog dana njen otac je umro.
The new mother made the girl do all the house work.
Nova majka je tjerala djevojku da radi sve kućne poslove.
„You must cook. You must wash.“
„Ti moraš kuhati. Ti moraš prati.“
The sisters named the girl Cinderella. Cinderella means little ashes.
Sestre su nazvale djevojku Pepeljuga. Pepeljuga znači malo pepeljasta.
Cinderella didn't hate anybody. Cinderella worked all day long.
Pepeljuga nije mrzila nikoga. Pepeljuga je radila po čitav dan.
But sometimes she could talk with her friends.
Ali, ponekad, ona je mogla razgovarati sa svojim prijateljima.
The mice and pigeons were Cinderella's best friends.
Miševi i golubovi su bili Pepeljugini najbolji prijatelji.
One day, the king had a party.
Jednog dana, kralj je imao zabavu.
The king wanted to find the prince's bride. All the sisters wore the new dresses.
Kralj je želio pronaći mladu za princa. Sve sestre su nosile nove haljine.
„Cinderella, am I pretty?“ „Yes, you are pretty.“
„Pepeljugo, da li sam lijepa?“ „Da, lijepa si.“
Cinderella wanted to be like the sisters.
Pepeljuga je željela biti poput sestara.
The new mother didn't want Cinderella to go to the party.
Nova majka nije željela da Pepeljuga ide na zabavu.
„Cinderella, you must work.“ „Mother, I want to go to the party, too.“
„Pepeljugo, ti moraš raditi.“ „Majko, ja želim ići na zabavu, takođe.“
„First, you must pick up these beans.“
Prvo moraš pokupiti ovaj grah.
The new mother put the beans in the ashes.
Nova majka je stavila grah u pepeo.
It was very hard work. Cinderella cried.
To je bio veoma težak posao. Pepeljuga je zaplakala.
The pigeons helped Cinderella pick up the beans.
Golubovi su pomogli Pepeljugi da pokupi grah.
„Mother, can I go to the party?“
„Majko, mogu li ja ići na zabavu?“
„No, pick up the beans!“
„Ne, pokupi grah!“
The new mother put the beans in the ashes again..
Nova majka je stavila grah u pepeo ponovo.
The pigeons helped Cinderella again.
Golubovi su pomogli Pepeljugi ponovo.
„Mother, I am finished. Can I go to the party?“
„Majko, ja sam završila. Mogu li ići na zabavu?“
But, the new mother said: „No, you have no clothes. You have no shoes.“
Ali, nova majka je rekla: „Ne, ti nemaš nikakvu odjeću. Ti nemaš nikakve cipele.“
The new mother and sisters went to the party.
Nova majka i sestre su otišle na zabavu.
Cinderella stayed home.
Pepeljuga je ostala kod kuće.
Cinderella was alone. She cried.
Pepeljuga je bila sama. Zaplakala je.
Just then, a fairy came to her. Cinderella, don't cry. I will help you.
Upravo tada, vila je došla do nje. Pepeljugo, nemoj plakati. Ja ću ti pomoći.
The fairy helped Cinderella.
Vila je pomogla Pepeljugi.
The fairy said: „I need a pumpkin, two mice and a lizard.“
Vila je rekla: „Trebam bundevu, dva miša i guštera.“
The fairy waved her wand. She turned the pumpkin into a carriage.
Vila je mahnula štapom. Pretvorila je bundevu u kočiju.
The two mice became two horses. The lizard became a carriage driver.
Dva miša su postala dva konja. Gušter je postao kočijaš.
Cinderella wore a beautiful dress.
Pepeljuga je nosila prekrasnu haljinu.
The fairy gave Cinderella pair of glass shoes.
Vila je dala Pepeljugi par staklenih cipela.
She said: „You must come back before 12 o'clock.“
Ona je rekla: „Moraš se vratiti prije 12 sati.“
Cinderella went to the party. The prince liked Cinderella.
Pepeljuga je otišla na zabavu. Princu se svidjela Pepeljuga.
„Beautiful lady, shall we dance?“ „Yes.“
„Prekrasna damo, hoćemo li zaplesati?“ „Da.“
Cinderella and the prince danced.
Pepeljuga i princ su plesali.
It was 12 o'clock.
Bilo je 12 sati.
Cinderella ran away. One of her glass shoes fell off.
Pepeljuga je pobjegla. Jedna od njenih staklenih cipela je spala.
The prince picked it up. „Whose shoe is this? I will find the girl.“
Princ ju je podigao. „Čija je ovo cipela? Ja ću pronaći tu djevojku.“
The servants visited all the houses and checked their shoes.
Sluge su posjetile sve kuće i provjerile njihovu obuću.
At last, the servants went to Cinderella's house. All the sisters tried on the glass shoe.
Naposljetku, sluge su otišle u Pepeljuginu kuću. Sve sestre su probale staklenu cipelu.
But the shoe didn't fit any of them. Finally, Cinderella put on the glass shoe.
Ali cipela nije odgovarala ni jednoj od njih. Konačno, Pepeljuga je obula staklenu cipelu.
It fit perfectly.
Pristajala je savršeno.
„We found the prince's bride!“ The servants were very happy.
„Našli smo prinčevu mladu!“ Sluge su bile veoma sretne.
Cinderella went to the castle. The prince was very happy.
Pepeljuga je otišla u dvorac. Princ je bio veoma sretan.
„Oh, my dear. You are my bride!“
„Oh, draga. Ti si moja mlada!“
Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after.
Pepeljuga i princ su živjeli sretno zauvijek.