Dan stručnjaka energetske efikasnosti
Dan stručnjaka energetske efikasnosti

Dan stručnjaka energetske efikasnosti

Najveća međunarodna energetska platforma za stručnjake u regionu Zapadnog Balkana, po drugi put je održana u Sarajevu, 4. i 5. novembra 2015.

Drugi međunarodni sajam i konferencije o obnovljivoj energiji i energetskoj efikasnosti RENEXPO 2015. su održani 4. i 5. novembra u hotelu Hollywood u Sarajevu.

Cilj ovog događaja je bio okupljanje stranih i domaćih investitora, predstavnika međunarodnih institucija, inžinjera i stručnjaka, predstavnika različitih nivoa vlasti i zainteresovane javnosti radi ostvarenja kontakata i razmjene iskustava, te unaprjeđenja poslovanja i usmjerenja investicija prema projektima energetske efikasnosti i korištenju obnovljivih izvora energije.

Podršku konferencijama, kojima su prisustvovali eminentni stručnjaci susjednih zemalja u regionu, svojim učešćem dala je i Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE iz Sarajeva.

The Day of the Energy Efficiency Experts

The largest international energy platform for experts of the Western Balkan region was held during 4th and 5th of November 2015 in Sarajevo, for the second time.

Second International Trade Fair and Conferences on Renewables and Energy Efficiency RENEXPO 2015 were held on November 4th and 5th in Hotel Hollywood in Sarajevo.

The goal of this event was to bring together foreign and domestic investors, representatives of international institutions, engineers and experts, representatives of government at various levels and the interested public in order to promote the concept of energy efficient construction and the use of renewables, presenting challenges but also market potentials. This event was also good opportunity for stakeholders to make the contacts and exchange experiences in this field in order to improve their business.

The Association MOTHER AND CHILD from Sarajevo attended the conferences and in that way the Association gave its support to this event which was witnessed by eminent experts of neighboring countries in the region.

وَأَمْرُهُمْ شُورَىٰ بَيْنَهُمْ

I koji se o poslovima svojim dogovaraju …

And whose affair is (determined by) consultation among themselves ..
