Indirect (Reported) Speech – Indirektni govor
Indirect (Reported) Speech – Indirektni govor

Indirect (Reported) Speech – Indirektni govor

U direktnom govoru se služimo tačno onim riječima koje je upotrijebio govornik. Na primjer:

She said: „I am tired.“ – Ona je rekla: „Umorna sam.“

U indirektnom govoru mi prenosimo nečiji govor u istom smislu, ali izmijenjenom obliku. Na primjer:

She said that she was tired. – Ona je rekla da je umorna.

Pri pretvaranju direktnog u indirektan govor treba poštovati određena pravila. Ta pravila se tiču, prije svega, promjena u glagolskim vremenima, što je prikazano sljedećom tabelom.

Present Simple


„I always drink tea“, she said.


Past Simple


She said that she always drank tea.

Present Continuous


„I am writing a letter“, he explained.


Past Continuous


He explained that he was writing a letter.

Past Simple


„My father arrived on Saturday“, he said.


Past Perfect


He said that his father had arrived on Saturday.

Present Perfect


„I have just arrived“, he told me.


Past Perfect


He told me that he had just arrived.

Present Perfect Continuous


They complained: „We have been waiting for hours.“

Past Perfect Continuous


They complained that they had been waiting for hours.

Past Continuous


„We were living in Mostar“, they told me.


Past Perfect Continuous


They told me that they had been living in Mostar.

Future Tense (will, shall)


„I will be there on Monday“, she said.


Future in the Past (would, should)


She said that she would be there on Monday.



  1. Svaka indirektna rečenica je složena rečenica. Glavna i zavisna rečenica se povezuje sa rječju that koja može biti i izostavljena. Na primjer:

She said: „I like ice-cream.“

She said (that) she liked ice cream.

2. Nema promjena u glagolskom obliku kada se rečenica izražena u Past Perfektu prebacuje u indirektni govor. Na primjer:

She said: „I had taken English lessons before.“

She said that she had taken English lessons before. 

3.  Modalni glagoli might, could, would, should, ought to se ne mijenjaju u indirektom govoru. Can prelazi u could, may u might, a must može zadržati svoj oblik ili preći u had to. Na primjer:

„It could be difficult to find our house“, we explained.

We explained that it could be difficult to find our house. 

4. Ukoliko je „glagol izvještavanja“ (say, tell, complain…) u prezentu tada nema promjena u vremenima. Na primjer:

„I have missed the train but I’ll catch the next one“, he says.

He says that he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one.

Zapazimo da je do promjene došlo samo kod zamjenica, ali ne i glagola. Ta promjena zamjenica uveliko je prisutna u indirektnom govoru. Uvijek je potrebno obratiti pažnju prilikom prevođenja direktnog u indirektni govor na ove promjene.

Na primjer:

He said: „I bring my book every day; the book on the desk is mine.“

He said that he brought his book every day; the book on the desk is his.

Pored navedenih promjena potrebno je spomenuti i promjene koje se tiču nekih riječi. Te promjene su prikazane sljedećom tabelom.



















that day

the next day

the previous day; the day before


Na primjer:

He said: „I saw the boy here in this room today.“

He said that he had seen the boy there in that room that day.

Indirect (Reported) Questions – Indirektna pitanja

Kada pitanje prebacujemo iz direktnog u indirektni oblik trebamo obratiti pažnju na par bitnih stvari:

1. Upitna konstrukcija rečenice iz direktnog pitanja prebacuje se u izjavnu konstrukciju u indirektnom pitanju. Stoga, pomoćni glagol do (does, did) se ne koristi u indirektnim pitanjima.

2. Promjene koje se tiču glagola, zamjenica i drugih riječi, a koje smo spomenuli pri obradi indirektnih izjavnih rečenica, također su  prisutne i u indirektnim pitanjima.

3. Glagol kojim se uvodi indirektno pitanje je ask (ili njemu slični wonder, want to know).

4. Riječ koja vezuje glavnu i zavisnu rečenicu je if ili whether, ukoliko upitna rečenica ne počinje nekom od upitnih zamjenica (what, why, who...).

5. U indirektnim pitanjima na kraju rečenice ne stoji upitnik.

Kako bi promjena direktnog pitanja u indirektno bila jasnija poslužićemo se sljedećim tabelarno prikazanim primjerima.

Promjene kada direktno pitanje počinje sa pomoćnim glagolom do (does, did)


Do you know my sister?

Does Amir speak English?

Did you see Pedro at the football match?



He asked me if (whether) I knew his sister.

She asked if Amir spoke English.

He asked him if he had seen Pedro at the football match.


Promjene kada direktno pitanje počinje nekim drugim pomoćnim glagolom


Is it raining?

Has John many friends?

Can you type?

Will you help me?

Have you been here before?

Were you working all night?



She asked if it was raining.

He asked me if John had many friends.

She asked if I could type.

He asked me if I would help him.

She asked if I had been there before.

I asked her if she had been working all night.


Promjene kada direktno pitanje počinje sa upitnom zamjenicom


What is your name?

Where are you going?

How will she get there?

Where do you live?

Why did you come here?

What have you done?



He asked me what my name was.

I asked him where he was going.

He wondered how she would get there.

She asked me where I lived.

He asked her why she had come there.

She asked me what I had done.


Indirect (Reported) Commands – Indirektne zapovijedi 

Kada zapovijed prebacujemo iz direktnog u indirektni oblik trebamo obratiti pažnju na par bitnih stvari:

1. Glagol kojim se uvodi indirektna zapovijed nije say već jedan od sljedećih glagola: order, command, tell, ask, request.

2. Uvodi se direktni objekat koji ukazuje na osobu kojoj je zapovijed upućena.

3. Imperativni oblik glagola u direktnoj zapovijedi prelazi u odgovarajući infinitvni oblik u indirektnoj zapovijedi.

4. Promjene koje se tiču zamjenica i nekih drugih riječi, ali ne i glagola, prisutne su i kod indirektnih zapovijedi.

Kako bi navedeno bilo jasnije pogledajmo sljedeće primjere.

Go away!

He ordered him to go away. 

Play the piano, please.

She asked me to play the piano. 

Help me!

He asked me to help him.

Don't shut the door.

He asked me not to shut the door.

Don't be late tomorrow.

She told me not to be late the next day.

Don't go, please.

He asked her not to go. 

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