Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE dala je svoj doprinos obilježavanju Dana škole OŠ „Grbavica 1“. Dramska sekcija koju vodi učiteljica Azra Bektašević, pod mentorstvom više asistentice Dženite Imamović-Omerović, saradnice Asocijacije, predstavila se sa lutkarskom predstavom „Priča o darežljivosti“.
Dan škole je obilježen 7. juna sa dvije priredbe, u 11 i 14 sati.
School Day Celebration
Association MOTHER AND CHILD has given its contribution to the School Day Celebration in the elementary school “Grbavica 1”. Drama Club led by the teacher Azra Bektasevic, under the mentorship of the higher assistant Dzenita Imamovic-Omerovic, co-worker of the Association, has presented itself with the puppet play “The story of generosity”.
School Day was celebrated on June 7 with two performances, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.