Pod pokroviteljstvom Asocijacije MAJKA I DIJETE, a uz podršku RTV Vogošća, u aprilu 2014. godine pokrenut je projekt Radio AŠK – emitiranje radio-emisija edukativnog sadržaja. Ove jednosatne emisije pod nazivom TEME S POVODOM privukle su mnogobrojne vjerne slušatelje sa svojim raznovrsnim i zanimljivim temema iz brojnih naučnih disciplina, a naročito iz filozofije, historije i psihologije, te onim iz područja religije, obrazovanja i umjetnosti.

Ovom prilikom istaći ćemo neka gostovanja i teme koje su obilježile protekli period 2016. godine:

  • Gost: Dalibor Ballian, redovni profesor Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu i član Vijeća za GMO u Bosni i Hercegovini

Teme: genetski modificirani organizmi (GMO), pošumljavanje te strategija očuvanja šuma i biološke raznolikosti

  • Gost: Kemal Zukić, arhitekta i putopisac

Teme: imidž Sarajeva, stambena arhitektura BiH (s posebnim osvrtom na Sarajevo) i putovanja

  • Gost: Muhamed Zlatan Hrenovica, profesor komparativne književnosti i autor knjige „Slovo o Zaimu“

Tema: sevdalinka (pjevač sevdalinki Zaim Imamović)

  • Gost: Suzana Dedić, pedagogica i bibliotekarka

Tema: čitanje i prednosti čitanja

Urednica i voditeljica programa je gđa Binasa Saračević, diplomirana komparativistica i bibliotekarka. Emisije se emitiraju četvrtkom u 11 sati.

Reprize emisija možete poslušati na našoj web-stranici (u rubrici Multimedija) ili našem YouTube kanalu Majka i Dijete.

Radio Ashq

In April 2014, under the auspices of the Association MOTHER AND CHILD and with the support of RTV Vogosca, it was launched the project Radio Ashq – broadcasting radio programs with educational content. These one-hour programs, called TOPICS ON THE OCCASION, have attracted many loyal listeners with their diverse and interesting topics from many scientific disciplines, particularly philosophy, history and psychology, as well as those in the field of religion, education and art.

On this occasion, we will highlight some guest appearances and themes that marked the previous period in 2016:

  • Guest: Dalibor Killian, Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, and a member of the Council for GMOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Topics: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), Afforestation and the Strategies of Forest Conservation and its Biological Diversity

  • Guest: Kemal Zukic, architect and travel writer

Topics: The Image of Sarajevo, Residential Architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina (with special reference to the Sarajevo) and Travels

  • Guest: Muhamed Zlatan Hrenovica, Professor of Comparative Literature and the author of the book “Letter on Zaim”

Topic: Sevdalinka (Zaim Imamovic, sevdalinka singer)

  • Guest: Susan Dedic, pedagogue and librarian

Topic: Reading and the Benefits of Reading

Editor and host of the program is Mrs. Binasa Saracevic, graduate comparativist and librarian. Broadcastings are on Thursdays at 11 a.m.

You can listen the reruns of the programs on our website (in the Multimedia section) or our YouTube channel (Majka i Dijete).