HAPPY SCHOOL je projekt namijenjen učenju engleskog jezika koji je pokrenula Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE iz Sarajeva uz saradnju televizijske kuće TV HEMA.
Emisije su namijenjene djeci mlađeg uzrasta te su isključivo edukativnog karaktera, bez primjesa religioznog, ideološkog, političkog ili kakvog drugog neprimjerenog sadržaja. Emisije osmišljava i realizuje stručan tim na čelu sa prof. Almom Miralem.
Projekt HAPPY SCHOOL dobio je i saglasnost Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade.
Novi ciklus emisija počinje u četvrtak, 16. marta.
HAPPY SCHOOL na TV HEMI možete pratiti u sljedećim terminima:
- četvrtak – 21:00
- petak – 9:00 i 16:00 (reprizni termini)
Budite uz nas!
Happy School is the project aimed at learning English which has been launched by the Association MOTHER AND CHILD. The project is implemented with the cooperation of broadcaster TV HEMA.
Programs are intended for young children and they are exclusively educational, without a tinge of religious, ideological, political or any other inappropriate content. Programs are devised and implemented by a professional team, led by prof. Alma Miralem.
Project HAPPY SCHOOL has got the compliance from the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth.
New season is starting on Thursday, March 16.
Broadcasting schedule on TV HEMA is as follows:
- Thursday – 9 p.m.
- Friday – 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (reruns)
Be with us!