HAPPY SCHOOL uskoro opet na malim ekranima
HAPPY SCHOOL uskoro opet na malim ekranima

HAPPY SCHOOL uskoro opet na malim ekranima

Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE uz saradnju televizijske kuće TV HEMA pokrenula je pripremu i realizaciju emisija namijenjenih učenju engleskog jezika za najmlađe. Do sada je uspješno realizirano pet emisija.

Nakon kratke pauze tokom ljetnog raspusta HAPPY SCHOOL se ponovo vraća na male ekrane u septembru.

TV HEMA nastavlja ciklus emitiranja sa 6. emisijom, a od septembra HAPPY SCHOOL možete pratiti i na TV Vogošći. O tačnim terminima emitiranja bit ćete blagovremeno obaviješteni.

Reprize emisija možete pogledati na našoj web stranici: http://majkaidijete.ba/naslovna-mladi-2 ili našem YouTube kanalu https://www.youtube.com/user/majkaidijete.


HAPPY SCHOOL – Coming Back Soon to the Small Screen

Association MOTHER AND CHILD has launched HAPPY SCHOOL, a project aimed at learning English for the youngest population. The project is implemented with the cooperation of broadcaster TV HEMA. So far, five TV shows have been successfully realized.

After a short break during the summer holidays HAPPY SCHOOL is coming back to the small screen in September.

TV HEMA continues the cycle broadcasting with the 6th show, and from September you can also watch HAPPY SCHOOL on TV Vogosca.

The show reruns can also be watched on our website: http://majkaidijete.ba/naslovna-mladi-2 or on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/majkaidijete.

رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Gospodaru moj, Ti znanje moje proširi!

My Lord, increase me in knowledge!

[Ta-Ha, 114.]