Prof. dr. Fahira Fejzić-Čengić, profesorica na Fakultetu političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu i autorica velikog broja stručnih i naučnih radova, odazvala se pozivu da u svojstvu počasne gošće svojim kratkim obraćanjem uveliča manifestaciju „Žena u ogledalu duhovnosti“.
Manifestacija će se održati u Sarajevu, u Domu Oružanih snaga BiH, 17. marta 2017. godine u 18 sati.
Prof. Dr. Fahira Fejzic-Cengic – Guest of Honour at the Event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality”
Prof. Dr. Fahira Fejzic-Cengic, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo and the author of a large number of scientific papers, has accepted the invitation to be the guest of honour and magnify the event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality” by her short addressing to audience.
The cultural event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality” will take place in Sarajevo, at the House of Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on March 17, 2017, at 6 p.m.