U petak, 17. marta 2017. godine, u Domu Oružanih snaga Bosne i Hercegovine održana je kulturno-umjetnička manifestacija „Žena u ogledalu duhovnosti“. Manifestaciji je prisustvovao veliki broj posjetitelja koji su imali priliku uživati u bogatom i sadržajnom programu. U sklopu manifestacije u foajeu Doma Oružanih snaga priređene su i dvije izložbe radova: ručni radovi Udruženja „Gračaničko keranje“ i levhe arhitektice Adnane Alagić-Salihović.
Koristimo ovu priliku da se zahvalimo svim saradnicima na velikom angažmanu u organizaciji kulturno-umjetničke manifestacije „Žena u ogledalu duhovnosti“.
Zahvaljujemo se na dolasku svim posjetiteljima manifestacije, a posebno našim gostima iz Banja Luke, Kotor Varoši, Gračanice, Zenice i Visokog. Na nesebičnoj podršci zahvaljujemo i našim gostima iz Švicarske i Albanije.
Posebnu zahvalnost dugujemo Ministarstvu odbrane BiH i Domu Oružanih snaga, potom sponzorima, počasnim gostima, izvođačima, glumcima Narodnog pozorišta, našim mladim članovima i njihovim majkama, volonterima i svima onima koje nismo spomenuli, a bez čijeg učešća bi naš rad bio nepotpun.
Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality (2017)
The cultural event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality” was held at the House of Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Friday, March 17, 2017. The event was attended by a large number of visitors who had the opportunity to enjoy in the interesting and eventful program.
As part of the event, in the foyer of the House of the Armed Forces, two exhibitions of works have been prepared: handiworks of the Association “Gracanicko keranje” and levhas of the architect Adnana Alagic-Salihovic.
We take this opportunity to thank all our associates for their engagement in the organization of the cultural event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality”.
We thank all the visitors of the event for coming, especially our guests from Banja Luka, Kotor Varos, Gracanica, Zenica and Visoko. We also thank our guests from Switzerland and Albania for their generous support.
Special thanks go to the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the House of Armed Forces, then sponsors, guests of honour, performers, actors of the National Theatre, our young members and their mothers, volunteers and all those that we have not mentioned, and without whose participation our work would be incomplete.