Dramska sekcija
Dramska sekcija

Dramska sekcija

Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE u saradnji sa poznatom glumicom Dženitom Imamović pokrenula je projekat „Dramska sekcija za najmlađe“. Krajem marta Asocijacija je dobila saglasnost Ministarstva za obrazovanje, nauku i mlade za realiziranje ovog projekta kroz osnovne škole. 

Članovi ove dramske sekcije prvi put su nastupili 29. marta 2016. na manifestaciji „Žena u ogledalu duhovnosti“ u organizaciji Asocijacije MAJKA I DIJETE.

 Nakon ovog uspješnog nastupa voditeljica projekta Dženita Imamović nastavila je saradnju sa dramskim sekcijama osnovnih škola „Vrhbosna“ i „Grbavica I“. Upoznala je učenike sa svijetom glume kroz različite aktivnosti. Ovim projektom je obuhvaćeno više od četrdesetero učenika iz obje škole, uzrasta od 1. do 9. razreda.

 Svoje glumačko umijeće članovi sekcije su pokazali i na priredbama upriličenim za proslavu Dana škole. Priredba za Dan škole OŠ „Vrhbosna“ održana je 17. maja. Dan škole OŠ „Grbavica I“ obilježen je 1. juna. Ovom prilikom su se dramska i horska sekcija zajedno predstavile sa temom „Od kuće do škole, od škole do kuće“.

 Drama Club

Association MOTHER AND CHILD in cooperation with the famous actress Dzenita Imamovic has initiated the project “Drama Workshop for the Youngest Ones”. In late March, the Association got the compliance of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth for the realization of this project through elementary schools.

First performance of this Drama Club was on March 29, 2016, at the event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality”, organized by the Association MOTHER AND CHILD.

After this successful exhibition project manager Dzenita Imamovic has continued cooperation with drama clubs of primary schools “Vrhbosna” and “Grbavica I”.  She has acquainted the students with the world of acting through various activities. More than forty students from both schools, aged between 1st and 9th class, have been involved by this project.

The members of the Drama Club have shown their acting skills at the performances organized to celebrate the School Day. The performance for the School Day of “Vrhbosna” was held on May 17. The School Day of “Grbavica I” was celebrated on June 1. On this occasion, the Drama Club and the School Choir have presented themselves together with the topic “From Home to School, from School to Home”.