Eldin Huseinbegović, poznati bosanskohercegovački pjevač i tekstopisac, odazvao se pozivu da svojim umjetničkim nastupom pruži sponzorski doprinos manifestaciji „Žena u ogledalu duhovnosti“ koja će se održati 29. marta u Velikoj sali BKC-a u 18:00.
Sigurni smo da će ovaj perspektivni i nagrađivani umjetnik koji je svojim djelovanjem dao izniman doprinos kulturnoj i muzičkoj baštini BiH priuštiti posjetiteljima manifestacije nezaboravan doživljaj.
Eldin Huseinbegovic at the Upcoming Event „Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality“
Eldin Huseinbegovic, famous Bosnian singer and songwriter, accepted the invitation to perform at the event “Woman in the Mirror of Spirituality” and thus give his sponsorship contribution. The event will be held on March 29 in the Great Hall of BKC at six o’clock p.m.
We are confident that this promising and awarded artist, who has given an outstanding contribution to the cultural and musical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will provide an unforgettable experience to the visitors of the event.