Iftar u Terasi
Iftar u Terasi

Iftar u Terasi

Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE je priredila iftar za svoje saradnike, prijatelje i njihovu djecu, u znak zahvalnosti na nesebičnoj podršci u dosadašnjem radu. Iftar je upriličen 6. juna u restoranu Terasa. Počasni gosti iftara su bili desetogodišnja hafiza Hannaneh Khalfi i njen otac Mustafa.

Iftar at Terrace

Association MOTHER AND CHILD has organized Iftar for its associates, friends and their children, as expression of gratitude for the selfless support in its previous work. Iftar was organized on June 6 in the restaurant Terrace. Honorary guests of Iftar were ten-year-old hafiz Hannaneh Khalfi and her father Mostafa.
