Dramska sekcija Asocijacije MAJKA I DIJETE, koju vodi bosanskohercegovačka glumica Dženita Imamović-Omerović, dala je svoj doprinos obilježavanju Dana škole OŠ „Vrhbosna“ u Faletićima. Osamnaestog maja, s početkom u 13 sati, održana je priredba u kojoj su nastupile mnogobrojne školske sekcije.
Dramska sekcija koju vodi učiteljica Sabina Bišović, pod mentorstvom više asistentice Dženite Imamović-Omerović, predstavila se sa dvije tačke: „Proljetni razgovori“ i „Priča o Nasrudin-hodži“.
Prigodnim govorom prisutnima se obratila direktorica Erzumana Fukelj, te gosti svečanosti: premijer Elmedin Konaković i Vedad Deljković, član Gradskog vijeća.
School Day Celebration
Drama Club of the Association MOTHER AND CHILD, led by the Bosnia and Herzegovina actress Dzenita Imamovic-Omerovic, has given its contribution to the School Day Celebration in the elementary school “Vrhbosna” in Faletici. The numerous school sections took part in the performance which was held on May 18th, at 1 o’clock.
Drama Club of this school is led by the teacher Sabina Bisovic, under the mentorship of the higher assistant Dzenita Imamovic-Omerovic. It presented itself with two performances: “Spring Talks” and “The Story of Nasreddin Hoca”.
The headmaster Erzumana Fukelj addressed the audience, as well as the guests of the ceremony: Elmedin Konakovic, Prime Minister, and Vedad Deljkovic, a member of the City Council.{gallery}dan_skole:::0:0{/gallery}