Predsjednica Asocijacije FATMA iz Banja Luke, gđa Mirsada Delnezirević o protekloj manifestaciji „U susret ramazanu“ izjavila je sljedeće:
Da… prvi put nakon 25 godina Banjalučani su u Narodnom pozorištu. Čini mi se da su u jednom dahu pogledali manifestaciju. Sa suzama u očima i riječima prepunim emocija u tišini su napuštali pozorište. Iznenađeni da se tako nešto desilo u njihovom gradu, njihovoj Banja Luci. Pokrovitelj g. Edin Ramić uputio nam je samo riječi pohvale i čestitke, a sponzori su oduševljeno izjavili: „Ovo je trebalo ovom gradu!“
Gđa Fatima Hukić, počasna predsjednica Asocijacije FATMA, izjavila je:
Poseban je osjećaj govoriti o FATMI u ovom prostoru. Davne 2001. godine ni pomisliti nismo mogle. Trnovit put do predivnih ruža. Vrijedilo je. Nadam se da će se ova lijepa i kvalitetna saradnja sa Asocijacijom MAJKA I DIJETE nastaviti. Veliku zahvalnost dugujemo njenoj predsjednici gđi Amini Nouri.
U završnici obraćanja gđa Mirsada Delnezirević je dodala:
Ova manifestacija je nešto što će se još dugo pamtiti. Divno je imati srodnu Asocijaciju u Sarajevu na koju se možemo osloniti i zajednički realizovati ovakve kulturne manifestacije u Sarajevu i Banja Luci.
Review of the Association FATMA at the Event „Toward Ramadan“
Talking about the past event “Toward Ramadan” Mrs. Mirsada Delnezirevic, president of the Association FATMA from Banja Luka, said:
Yes … the first time after 25 years residents of Banja Luka are in the National Theatre. It seems to me that they have watched the program in one breath. With tears in their eyes and words full of emotions they have been quietly leaving the theatre. They were surprised that something like this event happened in their city, their Banja Luka. Patron Mr. Edin Ramic had only words of praise and congratulations for us, and sponsors enthusiastically said: “This is what this city needed!”
Mrs. Fatima Hukic, the honorary president of the Association FATMA, said:
Talking about FATMA in this place is something special for me. Bygone year 2001, we could not even think about that. It was the thorny road to the beautiful roses. But it was worth it. I hope that this beautiful and good cooperation with the Association MOTHER AND CHILD will be continued. We owe a debt of gratitude to its president Mrs. Amini Nouri.
In her final address Mrs. Mirsada Delnezirevic added:
This event will be long remembered. It's great to have a related Association in Sarajevo we can rely on and realize together such cultural events in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.