Učimo engleski kroz priče!
Many a time we have arguments with other people because of difference of opinion.
Često se raspravljamo s drugim ljudima zbog razlike u mišljenju.
But we should not quarrel with others because we must realise that everybody looks at things from a different angle.
Ali mi se ne bismo trebali svađati s drugima jer moramo shvatiti da svako gleda na stvari iz drugačijeg ugla.
Here is the story of six blind men. The six friends decided to go to a fair.
Evo priče o šestorici slijepaca. Šest prijatelja je odlučilo da ode na vašar.
There they heard people shouting.
Tamo čuše ljude kako viču.
„Look, an elephant is coming. Let us take a ride on it.“
„Gle, slon dolazi. Hajdemo ga jahati.“
When the elephant came near, the friends also became anxious to know what an elephant looked like.
Kada se slon približio, prijatelji postaše nestrpljivi u želji da saznaju kako slon izgleda.
One by one they touched the elephant.
Jedan po jedan dodirivali su slona.
The first blind man moved his hands around its big stomach. He said: „An elephant is like a wall.“
Prvi slijepac je opipao njegov veliki stomak. Rekao je: „Slon je poput zida.“
The second blind man was standing near the tusk of elefhant. He touched it and said: „An elephant is smooth and pointed at the tip. It is like a spear.“
Drugi slijepac je stajao blizu slonove kljove. Dotakao ju je i rekao: „Slon je gladak i zašiljen na vrhu. On je poput koplja.“
The third blind man moved his hands around the elephant's legs. He said: „You people are talking nonsense. An elephant is like a pillar.“
Treći slijepac je opipao slonove noge. On je rekao: „Vi, ljudi, pričate besmislice. Slon je poput stuba.“
The fourth blind man touched the trunk of the elephant. He could feel its moving. He said: „No, no, an elephant is like a big snake.“
Četvrti slijepac je dodirnuo slonovu surlu. Mogao je osjetiti njeno pomjeranje. Rekao je: „Ne, ne, slon je poput velike zmije.“
The fifth man was near the tail and said: „What are you all saying? I know an elephant is like a rope.“
Peti čovjek je bio blizu repa pa je rekao: „Šta vi svi pričate? Ja znam da je slon poput užeta.“
The sixth man touched the elephant's ear and said: „You are all wrong. An elephant is like a big fan.“
Šesti čovjek je dodirnuo slonovo uho i rekao: „Svi vi griješite. Slon je poput velike lepeze.“
Each of them thought that he was right. In the same way, we think our opinion to be right and we fight with others who have different opinions.
Svaki od njih je mislio da je upravu. Na isti način, mi mislimo da je naše mišljenje ispravno i borimo se protiv onih koji imaju drugačije mišljenje.
We should learn to appreciate other people's opinion; this will go a long way in improving our relations with them.
Trebali bismo naučiti cijeniti mišljenje drugih ljudi; ovo će pomoći u unaprijeđenju naših odnosa s njima.