Učešće Asocijacije na 4. Dječijem sajmu
Učešće Asocijacije na 4. Dječijem sajmu

Učešće Asocijacije na 4. Dječijem sajmu

Na veliku radost najmlađih i njihovih roditelja 4. Dječiji sajam je otvoren 27. oktobra 2017. godine u sarajevskom centaru Skenderija, a trajao je do 29. oktobra. I ove godine Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE je dala svoj doprinos festivalskom segmentu sajma sa izvedbom „Budimo prijatelji“, u režiji poznate glumice Dženite Imamović-Omerović.

Tema predstave je bila usmjerena promicanju moralnih vrijednosti u društvu, a nastup naših učesnica je nagrađen velikim aplauzom.

 Participation of the Association at the 4th Children's Fair

At the great joy of the youngest ones and their parents, the 4th Children’s Fair was opened on Friday, October 27, 2017, in Sarajevo’s Skenderija, and it lasted until October 29.

This year, the Association MOTHER AND CHILD has also given its contribution to festival segment of the fair with the performance „Let's be friends“, directed by famous actress Dzenita Imamovic-Omerovic.

The theme of the performance was focused towards the promotion of moral values in society, and it was rewarded with a huge applause.