The Greatest Treasure – Najveće blago
The Greatest Treasure – Najveće blago

The Greatest Treasure – Najveće blago

By Amit Garg

Učimo engleski kroz bajke!


The Greatest Treasure – Najveće blago

One day Peter found a treasure map.

Jednog dana Petar je našao mapu s blagom.

“Hurray! I’m going to find this treasure, and have some adventure!”, he exclaimed.

“Ura! Pronaći ću ovo blago, i malo se zabaviti (doživjeti avanturu)!”, uzviknuo je.

Peter set off. He walked a long way and finally reached a forest. There he met Lion.

Petar je krenuo. Dugo je hodao i konačno je stigao do šume. Tu srete Lava.

“You are strong and courageous,” said Peter to Lion. “Will you come with me on a treasure hunt?”

“Ti si jak i hrabar”, reče Petar Lavu. “Hoćeš li poći sa mnom u lov na blago?”

Lion agreed and joined Peter.

Lav pristade i pridruži se Petru.

The forest was dense and dark. Peter was afraid but with Lion by his side, he made it through.

Šuma je bila gusta i tamna. Petar se bojao, ali sa Lavom pored sebe, uspio je proći kroz nju.

When the two finally reached the mountain they met Eagle.

Kada su njih dvojica konačno stigla do planine sreli su Orla.

“You have excellent vision and can alert us to dangers,” said Peter to Eagle. “Will you come with us? We’re looking for a treasure.”

“Ti imaš odličan vid i možeš nas upozoriti na opasnost”, reče Petar Orlu. “Hoćeš li poći s nama? Mi tražimo blago.”

Eagle agreed and joined Peter and Lion.

Orao pristade i pridruži se Petru i Lavu.

The mountains were tall and craggy.

Planine su bile visoke i stjenovite.

Lion slipped but Peter was swift enough to give him a hand and pull him up.

Lav se okliznuo, ali Petar je bio dovoljno brz da mu pruži ruku i povuče ga.

Eagle with his sharp vision watched every step they took.

Orao je svojim oštrim vidom promatrao svaki korak koji su oni napravili.

Soon, they reached the valley below where they met Sheep.

Uskoro stigoše do doline u kojoj sretoše Ovcu.

“Will you join us in our search for treasure?” Peter asked Sheep. “And keep us warm when it’s cold?”

“Hoćeš li nam se pridružiti u našoj potrazi za blagom?” Petar je upitao Ovcu. “I grijati nas kada bude hladno?”

Sheep agreed and joined Peter, Lion and Eagle.

Ovca pristade i pridruži se Petru, Lavu i Orlu.

A cold wind swept across the endless meadow.

Hladan vjetar je duvao preko beskrajne poljane.

They all huddled against Sheep who kept them warm and cozy.

Svi su se skupili uz Ovcu koja ih je čuvala da im bude toplo i udobno.

The four finally reached the desert, where they met Camel.

Njih četvero konačno stigoše do pustinje gdje susretoše Kamilu.

“You are  called the ship of desert”, said Peter to Camel. “Will you help us to get across and join the treasure hunt too?” Camel agreed.

“Tebe zovu pustinjskom lađom“, reče Petar Kamili. “Hoćeš li nam pomoći da pređemo preko i  pridružiti nam se u lovu na blago?“ Kamila pristade.

Peter, Lion and Sheep mounted the camel and set off happily across the vast desert, with Eagle enjoying the spectacle from above.

Petar, Lav i Ovca uzjahaše Kamilu i sretno se otisnuše preko prostrane pustinje sa Orlom koji je uživao u prizoru odozgo.

Camel began galloping and everybody cheered with excitement. Crossing the desert on Camel’s back was thrilling.

Kamila poče galopirati i svi uzbuđeno zaklicaše. Prelazak puustinje na Kamilinim leđima je bio uzbudljiv.

The five finally reached the ocean, where they met Turtle.

Njih petero konačno stigoše do okeana gdje sretoše Kornjaču.

”Can you help cross the ocean?“, Peter asked Turtle. ”We are on a treasure hunt.“

Hoćeš li nam pomoći preći okean?“, Petar upita Kornjaču. Mi smo u lovu na blago.“

Turtle agreed and joined Peter, Lion, Eagle, Sheep and Camel.

Kornjača pristade i pridruži se Petru, Lavu, Orlu, Ovci i Kamili.

The rough waves almost drowned the party, but Turtle skillfully transported them across.

Surovi talasi umalo da nisu potopili družinu, ali ih Kornjača vješto preveze preko.

They met Owl on the other side. Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom:”Congratulations, you have found the treasure.“

Sretoše Sovu na drugoj strani. Sova progovori iz svoje drevne mudrosti: Čestitam, pronašli ste blago.“

”Where is it?“, they all exclaimed in surprise.

Gdje je?“, svi uzbuđeno povikaše.

”Together you have passed the forest, climbed the mountains, dared the valley, braved the desert, and crossed the ocean. You would never have done it without one another.“

Zajedno ste prošli šumu, popeli se na planine, usudili se preći dolinu, prkosili pustinji, i prešli okean. Vi nikada ne biste to učinili jedni bez drugih.”

They all looked at each other, and realised that Owl was right – THEY HAVE FOUND FRIENDSHIP!

Svi pogledaše jedni druge i shvatiše da je Sova imala pravo – PRONAŠLI SU PRIJATELJSTVO!

Indeed, they have found the greatest treasure ever!

Zaista, oni su pronašli najveće blago ikada!