U periodu od 11. do 13. novembra u sarajevskom centaru Skenderija održan je 3. Dječiji sajam. Ove godine je i Asocijacija MAJKA I DIJETE dala svoj doprinos festivalskom segmentu sajma sa dvije izvedbe dramske sekcije koju vodi glumica Dženita Imamović. U prvoj izvedbi učestvovali su članovi dramske sekcije OŠ „Grbavica 1“ sa numerom „Šaputanje“, a u drugoj su nastupili najmlađi članovi dramske sekcije Asocijacije sa dramskim komadom na temu darežljivosti.
O pripremama za nastup te samoj izvedbi, voditeljica dramske sekcije Dženita Imamović je izjavila:
„Rad na projektu Priča o darežljivosti bio je izuzetno koristan za djecu i mene kao pedagoga. Vratili smo se na dobre osobine kao što je darežljivost. Davali smo jedni drugima i učili jedni od drugih – djeca meni svoju maštu i zaigranost, a ja njima osnove lutkarstva i ljubav prema ovoj vrsti umjetnosti. Predstava je prihvaćena od strane mnogobrojne publike sa ogromnim aplauzom i odličnim komentarima. Djeca su uživala u radu i predstavi.“
Pored navedene aktivnosti Asocijacija se na sajmu pojavila i kao izlagač te u tom svojstvu predstavila posjetiteljima svoj porodični magazin za afirmaciju kulture življenja AŠK te edukativne emisije za učenje engleskog jezika namijenjene mlađem uzrastu pod nazivom HAPPY SCHOOL.
Participation of the Association in the 3rd Children's Fair
The 3rd Children's Fair was held in Sarajevo Centre Skenderija from 11 to 13 November. This year, the Association MOTHER AND CHILD has given its contribution to festival segment of the fair with two performances of its drama club, led by actress Dzenita Imamovic. The members of the drama club from the elementary school “Grbavica 1” have performed in the first performance with the song “Whispering” and the other performance was the play on the theme of generosity that has been carried out by the youngest members of the drama club of the Association.
About preparations for the performance and the performance, the leader of the Drama Club Dzenita Imamovic said:
“The work on the project The Story of Generosity has been very useful for the children and me as a pedagogue. We’ve gone back to the good qualities such as generosity. We have been giving to each other and learning from each other. Children have taught me to their imagination and playfulness, and I’ve taught them to the basics of puppetry and love for this type of art. The performance has been accepted by a large audience with huge applause and excellent comments. Children have enjoyed in the work and the play.”
In addition to the above activities, the Association has also appeared at the fair as an exhibitor and in that role it has presented to the fair visitors its family magazine for the affirmation of a culture of life Ashq and its educational programs for learning English intended for younger children titled Happy School.