Typical Mistakes: Preposition ON
Typical Mistakes: Preposition ON

Typical Mistakes: Preposition ON

Česte su pogreške pri upotrebi prijedloga u engleskom jeziku kod stranih govornika. Razlog tome je što se upotreba određenog prijedloga nastoji poistovjetiti sa upotrebom sličnog u vlastitom maternjem jeziku, što je pogrešno.

Tipične pogreške pri upotrebi prijedloga ON su vidljive iz sljedećih primjera:

She was standing on the bus-station.

On[1] the picture you can see my grandfather.

She spent three hours on the sun.

My cousins live on the North (South, West, East).

Our teacher told us the story on English.

There are lots of cars on the street.

Ispravna bi bila upotreba prijedloga AT i IN u navedenim rečenicama:

She was standing at the bus-stop[2].

In the picture you can see my grandfather.

She spent three hours in the sun.

My cousins live in the North (South, West, East).

Our teacher told us the story in English.

There are lots of cars in the street.

Ne zaboravite!




the bus-stop

the university






the picture

the sun

the street

the North/South/West








[1] U američkom engleskom ova upotreba prijedloga on je postala gotovo standardna, te tako pomalo prodire i u britanski engleski.

[2] bus-station – autobuski terminal; bus-stop – autobuska stanica